
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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The Dive Center

ProTec Sardinia is located in Cala Gonone, next to the hotel La Playa. Our guest amenities include an equipment room, tool corner with workbench, and cleaning/drying station.

Our training rooms are equipped with laptops, flat screens, whiteboards, air conditioning, and all tools required to provide proficient training.

In the compressor room you will find a variety of gases and equipment used for cave and technical diving. We guarantee new, reliable gear and are well equipped in all areas of this sport.

The caves, depths and wrecks allow for different gases to be used regularly.

Whether you use Trimix for the Grotta Utopia, or plan a long dive in Cala Luna, we have extreme environments for extreme diving and we train you to dive them safely.

Our inflatable boats were designed in house and can easily transport tec, or sport divers with all their equipment comfortably.

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