
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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Brian was born and raised in the southern United States. He left his home in Atlanta in 2011 to go and get lost in the world. In 2012 he discovered diving on the Caribbean island of Utila. Enjoying the lifestyle as much as the diving, he decided to stay for two seasons and began a professional career as a diver. Following the advice of a trusted friend Brian moved to Tulum, Mexico to try cave diving. He stayed for two years working as a cavern guide and exploring the caves of the Riviera Maya in his free time. Cave training was completed in doubles, but he quickly changed to sidemount preferring the flexibility granted by the style. Also hiking through the jungle in doubles blows. Brian started at Protec Sardinia in 2017. His passion for cave diving, desire to become a grade “A” cave instructor, and a European passport solidified Sardinia as his home and Protec Sardinia as his center. His main tasks at the moment are teaching intro to tech – full cave courses, guiding cave dives, and captaining the boat. He dove caves Sardinia, Mexico, Thailand, Honduras, and the USA. He dove Open Water in Australia, Egypt, Israel, and Ecuador. During the winter months he lives in Ecuador where he mostly only surfs, but finds time to take care of his farmland and organize a music festival in the jungle.

TDI/SDI Instructor for:

Open Water Instructor
Nitrox Instructor
Advanced Nitrox Instructor
Sidemount Instructor
Wreck Instructor
Cavern Instructor
Intro to Cave Instructor
Cave Instructor

NACD Diver for:

Intro to Cave Diver
Apprentice Cave
Full Cave

PADI Instructor for:

Open Water to Divemaster
Deep Diver
Nitrox Diver
Wreck Diver
Sidemount Diver
DAN O2 Provider
Peak Perf. Buoyancy Diver
DPV Diver

Expeditionen und Projekte:

2018 First help in some exploration projects in Sardinia
2019 Member in the exploration “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexiko (Quintana Roo)
2020 Member in the exploration cave system “UTOPIA” (Sardinia) scientific diving
2021 Member in the Exploration Cave System “Bel Torrente” Extreme Multi-Sifon Project over 6 days