
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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CCR Training

300 € “Standard” Training (If 2-3 students attend)
390 € “Private” Training (1 to 1 intensive training)

Prices per day, per student
“Standard” means:
You book a course with the option that further participants can register. If you start the course alone, or someone drops out we charge the “private” rate.

Working hours of the instructor
Air fills for Bail-out and Diluent
Transport by boat
Storing the equipment

Fills He and Oxygen
Cost of certification
“Long Distance” fees (boat)

CCR Experience:
1/2 day (theory and open water dive) € 90.00
Included: Rebreather rental, Sofnolime, Gases

CCR Air Diluent:
Minimum 6 days (minimum 6 dives + 1 confined)

CCR Experience in combination with CCR Air Diluent:
Minimum 7 days (minimum 8 dives + 2 confined)

CCR Cave Diver:
Minimum 13 days (minimum 16 dives + 1 confined)

CCR Cave Diver “Cross Over Course”:
Minimum 5 days (minimum 8 dives + 1 confined)

CCR “Normoxic” Trimix:
Minimum 6 days (minimum 5 dives + 1 confined)

CCR “Hypoxic” Trimix:
Minimum 5 days (minimum 5 dives + 1 confined)


Training does not guarantee certification.