
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include.
This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work.

To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true.
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it.
Grotta Del Fico

The entry is spectacular. Dive into this system as if it were the entrance to an Indonesian temple. The ground is covered with snow-white sand. The sidewalls run together like a pyramid. After a short swim you emerge into a huge dry cave. Like all good temples the secret passage between cavern and cave is hidden and unmarked.

This dive is especially worthwhile if you join in the tour of the dry cave.

Max. Depth:

15 Meters

Max. Penetration:

60 Meters

Max. Members:

4 Divers

Cavern Line?

None present

Required Equipment:

Scuba unit
Primary and back up lamps


Open Water Diver Certification

Duration of Boat Ride:

40 Minutes