
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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Toddy lives and works in Sardinia year-round. He is the owner of Protec Sardinia and creator of the TS sidemount system. This German native was a managing director, diving instructor, and guide in such places as the Red Sea, Caribbean, Pacific, Maldives, Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. His passion for cave diving and exploration led him to deep sink holes in the jungles of Mexico’s Yucatan, where he worked and lived for several years, gaining extensive knowledge in technical diving. Other cave project sites include: South Australia (Nullarbor), Spain (Mallorca), France (Ardeche) and Italy (Sardinia). Toddy teaches in German, English and Italian. His TS system courses are offered as IANTD programs at the user and instructor level. He and his team welcome you to the island!

IANTD Instructor Trainer Qualifications:

Training Director Qualifications:
Open Water TS (Toddy-Style) – Sidemount Instructor (all Levels)
T-REB eCCR Sidemount (all Levels)

Open Water Instructor
Nitrox Instructor
Advanced Nitrox Instructor
Cavern Instructor
Intro to Cave Instructor
Technical Cave Instructor
SF2 eCCR Sidemount & Backmount (all Levels)

IANTD Instructor Qualifications:

Open Water to Divemaster
Nitrox Diver
Deep Diver
Advanced Deep Air
Recreational Trimix Diver
Advanced Nitrox
Technical Diver
Normoxic Trimix
Trimix (Hypoxic)
Advanced Wreck
Technical Wreck
Intro to Cave
Full Cave
Technical Full Cave
Advanced Cave (Sidemount, Multiple Stage, DPV, Survey)
Trimix Gas Blender
CCR Buddy Inspiration Classic & Vision
CCR Buddy Inspiration Evolution
CCR Megalodon
CCR Cave

NACD Instructor Qualifications:

Intro to Cave Diver
Apprentice Cave
Full Cave
Survey & Cartography
CCR Cave (all levels)

TDI/SDI Instructor Qualifications:

Open Water Scuba Diver Instructor
Deep Diving Instructor
Boat Diving Instructor
Underwater Photography Instructor
Search and Recovery Diving Instructor
Diver Propulsion Vehicle Instructor
Night-Limited Visibility Diving Instructor
Wreck Instructor
Equipment Specialist Instructor
Altitude Diver Instructor
Dry Suit Diving Instructor
Advanced Buoyancy Instructor
TDI Stage Cave Instructor
Rebreather Full Cave Instructor
DPV Cave Instructor
TDI Underwater Cave Surveying Instructor
Nitrox Instructor
Advanced Nitrox Instructor
Decompression Procedures Instructor
Extended Range Instructor
Trimix Instructor
Advanced Gas Blending Instructor
Advanced Trimix Instructor
Advanced Wreck Instructor
Intro To Tech Instructor
Cavern Instructor
Intro to Cave Instructor
Full Cave Instructor
Megalodon Air Diluent Instructor
Megalodon Air Diluent Decompression Instructor
Megalodon Mixed Gas Instructor
Megalodon Advanced Mixed Gas Instructor
T-Reb Air Diluent Instructor
T-Reb Air Diluent Decompression Instructor
T-Reb Mixed Gas Instructor
T-Reb Advanced Mixed Gas Instructor

PADI Instructor Qualifications:

Open Water to Divemaster
Deep Diver
Nitrox Diver
Boat Diver
U/W Photo
Search and Recovery
Scooter Diver
Cavern Diver
Night Diver
Wreck Diver
U/W Navigator
Equipment Specialist
DAN Oxygen Provider
Altitude Diver
Dry Suit Diver
Peak Perf. Buoyancy Diver
Medic First Aid
Master Scuba Diver

Also Certified As:

CMAS 3Star Diver
Support and Safety Diver IANTD
CCR Hammerhead Diver
rEvo CCR Diver
XCCR Diver
KISS mCCR Sidewinder Diver

Expeditions and Projects:

2001 Quintana Roo documentaries for VOX and RTL covering the Mastadon Findings
2002 Quintana Roo Expeditions Film for Pro 7 and other Television Channels
2003 Yucatan Jungle Expedition (Deep Sinkholes of Merida)
2005 Exploration Cave System Bue Marino (Sardinia)
2005 Exploration Cave System Cala Luna (Sardinia)
2005 Exploration Cave System Bel Torente Start (Sardinia)
2005 Exploration Cave System Del Fico Start (Sardinia)
2006 Yucatan Jungle Expedition “Ring-Cenotes” (Prehistoric founds)
2007 Dschungel Camp Exploration “Tux Kubasha” (09.01 to 16.01)
2007 Advanced Diver Magazin Exploration Sardinia 2007
2007 Joroni Filming Project (Puplic CD-Tauchplätze Sardiniens)
2008 Exploration Cave System “Locoli” Siniscola (Sardinia Inland Cave)
2008 Exploration Cave System “Monsumazzo” Oliena (Sardinia Inland Cave)
2008 Exploration Cave Sytem “Bel Torrente” with Rick Stanton
2008 – 2015 Exploration Mainly done in Sardinia
2013 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexico (Quintana Roo)
2014 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexico (Quintana Roo)
2014 Exploration South Australia “World largest karst terrain “Nullarbor”
2015 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexico (Quintana Roo)
2016 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexico (Quintana Roo)
2016 GoPro Film Project „Searching the Maya Underworld – Quest for the earth´s biggest cave“
2017 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexiko (Quintana Roo)
2018 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexiko (Quintana Roo)
2019 Exploration Camp “Vanilla Sky Project” in Mexiko (Quintana Roo)
2020 Exploration Cave System “UTOPIA” (Sardinia) Scientific Diving
2021 Exploration Cave System “Bue Marino” “Ramo Hutnan”
2021 Exploration Cave System “Bel Torrente” Extreme Multi-Sifon Project over 6 days
2022 Exploration Cave System “Bue Marino” “Ramo Hutnan” over 5km penetration…still continue and next push dive in 2023
2022 Exploration Cave Project “UTOPIA” (Sardinia) together with Dr. Frank Hartig (New cave passages explored over 700m long and -50m depth)

Vanilla Sky Project 2017 | Part I https://vimeo.com/227343822 
Vanilla Sky Project 2017 | Part II https://vimeo.com/227348152 
Vanilla Sky Project 2017 | Part III https://vimeo.com/227349804 
Vanilla Sky Project 2017 | Part IV https://vimeo.com/227350046 
Vanilla Sky Project 2017 – Yab Yum https://vimeo.com/209362799
Vanilla Sky Project 2018 | Part I https://vimeo.com/276531527
Vanilla Sky Project 2018 | Part II https://vimeo.com/276725670
Vanilla Sky Project 2019 | Part I https://vimeo.com/342373227
Vanilla Sky Project 2019 | Part II https://vimeo.com/342497960
Vanilla Sky Project 2019 – Mystic  https://vimeo.com/342602958?ref=em-share
Vanilla Sky Project 2020 | Part I https://vimeo.com/432965229
Vanilla Sky Project 2020 | Part II https://vimeo.com/432967489