
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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CCR - Diluent ``Air``

After many years of research and development A.P.Valves launched the first commercially available device with 3 liter bottles and easy handling. Rebreathers such as SF2, Inspiration, Evolution, Megalodon, Kiss, Sentinel, Ouroboros, etc. are now used on expeditions, film productions and recreational dives, in caves, seas and inland waters.

This is the first step into the world of rebreather diving. The aim of the course is to learn the basics, as well as emergency and stress management up to a depth of 40 meters.

Student Pre-requisites

18 Years old
30 Logged dives
Advanced Nitrox Diver can also be combined with the course!

Course Layout:

Theory and Configuration
60 Minute Open Water Training
500 Minutes in 8 Dives
Final Exam


Minimum 6 Days


40 Meters with air as diluent gas
Maximum decompression of 5 min. at 6 meters

Necessary Equipment:

Manufacturer manual
A rebreather
A CCR computer and a bottom timer or 2 bottom timers and a CCR table
60 Meter reel
30 Meter reel/spool
Mask, fins and cutting tool
Two lift bags with 12lt lift
Suit adapted to the environment
Bail-out bottles with stage rigging
Analysis devices