
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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Grotta Galleria

One of the most beautiful caverns in the “Golfo di Orosei.” Like the roof of a large vault, part of the entrance is above sea level. The ground is made of fine sand, in which one can discover flounders, cuddle fish, and the occasional scorpion fish. The first chamber is flooded with light and forms its own amphitheater. Enter further and you might think that you are in a block of Swiss cheese. Circular holes large enough for two bodies tunnel different directions, ending in air-filled chambers filled with stalactites.

Max. Depth:

12 Meters

Max. Penetration:

60 Meters

Max. Members:

4 Divers

Cavern Line?

None present

Necessary Equipment:

Scuba unit
Primary and back up torch


Open Water Diver Certification

Duration of Boat Ride:

15 Minutes