
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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Apprentice Cave Diver

This is for Intro divers that do not have enough time to complete the cave course. It is a two-day program with four dives designed to introduce students to complex cave systems.

The program can be performed in combination with Cavern and Intro to Cave.

The “Apprentice Cave Diver” is not certified and only issued with a Temporary Card, which will expire. After one year from the date of issue the entire Cave Module must be completed.

Student Pre-requisites

18 Years old
NACD Intro to Cave certification or equivalent

Course Layout:

Land Drills
Confined and Open Water Training
Cave Dives: Performed under various conditions such as zero visibility
Final Exam


2 Days minimum
– Cavern to Apprentice – 6 days minimum
– Intro to Apprentice – 4 days minimum
8 Hours theory
4 Cave dives
– Cavern to Apprentice – 12 dives
– Intro to Apprentice – 8 dives
1 Training dive in shallow water


39m/130 ft. Max depth
Rule of Thirds
Basic navigation
No decompression
3 Students per instructor

Necessary Equipment:

Twin Tanks with a manifold and isolator valve
2 Independent regulators with first and second stages
1 With long hose (2m/7ft.) and LPI
1 With short hose (~55 cm/22 in.) and SPG
Buoyancy compensator (Wing & Back Plate)
Mask and fins, no snorkel
1 Line cutter
1 Safety reel with a minimum of 30m of line
1 Primary reel with a minimum of 120m of line
2-3 Gap reels with a minimum of 15m of line
1 Primary light
2 Backup lights
Dive computer, or timer and depth gauge
Writing board or wet notes
Waterproof diving table or backup dive computer
3 Directional arrows
6 Non-directional markers (Cookies)