
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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CCR Cave

Diving with a rebreather in a cave system is very intriguing, but there are special rules to follow. You must constantly control your PO2, determine distances, perform bailout calculations, train emergency procedures for equipment failure, and more. The CCR Cave course teaches you the handling and safe planning of a rebreather, plus the standard exercises of a conventional open-circuit cave diving program. It is certainly considered to be the toughest training program in technical diving and is intended for those who are already very familiar with their own rebreather and have mastered the device with all its features.

At Protec Sardinia, we teach CCR Cave courses on the most popular rebreather models on the market right now, and are certified instructors of the devices.

Student Pre-requisites

CCR user certificate on the device used
18 Years old
Proof of 100 logged dives, 30 with the rebreather

Course Layout:

Land Drills
Confined and Open Water Training
Cave Dives are performed under different conditions such as zero visibility
Final Exam


Minimum 12 days
8 Hours theory
16 Cave dives
1 Training dive in shallow water


39m / (130 ft) max depth
Rule of Thirds for diluent and oxygen
3 Students per instructor

Necessary Equipment:

Personal Rebreather
Two bail-out tanks
At least one regulator with a long low-pressure hose (2 m / 7ft.) and pressure gauge
Buoyancy compensator (Wing & Back Plate)
Mask and fins
Line cutter
1 Safety reel with a minimum of 30m of line
1 Primary reel with a minimum of 120m of line
2-3 Gap reels with a minimum of 15m of line
1 Primary light
2 Back up lights
Dive computer (CCR mode), stopwatch and depth gauge
Writing board or wet notes
Waterproof dive table (CCR 1.2 or 1.3 Po2), or second dive computer (CCR mode)
3 Directional arrows
6 Non-directional markers (Cookies)