
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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CCR Maintenance

This course is for those who want to gain insight into a specific device. For divers who do not want to rely on other people while traveling, but want to fix any problem themselves.

Student Pre-requisites

18 years old
CCR certification (included in the CCR course)

Course Layout:

30 min. Theory and 4 hours workshop
Maintenance of a solenoid
Maintenance of the mouthpiece
Maintain the Heads Up Displays
Maintenance of the Dilluent and O2 injection pressure button
Maintenance of the Bailout Open Circuit Valve
Maintenance of the Automatic Diluent Valve
Intermediate pressure check
Maintenance of counter lungs
Maintenance of the overpressure valve


½ Day


No software updates
No modifications to factory settings and policies

Necessary Equipment

The rebreather manual of the manufacturer
Personal rebreather