
ProTec Sardinia ASD
Via Collodi 9
08020 Cala Gonone (NU) Sardegna, Italy

+39 3351680168


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Advanced Wreck

This program enhances your theoretical knowledge and diving skills. Advanced dive planning, independent systems and stage bottles are just some of the things you’ll learn.

This course is ideal for divers with Deep Diver Training who want to extend their bottom times wisely, stay longer on a wreck, or perform penetration.

Student Pre-requisites

18 Years old
IANTD EANx Diver or equivalent
IANTD Deep Diver or equvalent
IANTD Wreck / Cavern Diver or equivalent
40 Logged dives

Coures Layout:

Land Drills
Confined and Open Water Training
Wreck Dives
Final Exam


Minimum 4 days
8 Hours theory
4 Dives
1 Training dive in shallow water


Maximum depth 39 m / (130 ft)
15 Minutes max. decompression
Maximum oxygen partial pressure of 1.4 ATA at depth
Maximum oxygen partial pressure of 1.6 ATA for decompression
Dives are kept within the limits of the IANTD Oxygen CNS% Clock and OTU’s
EANx 40% for decompression
4 Students per instructor

Necessary Equipment:

Twin tanks with a manifold and isolator valve
3 Independent regulators with first and second stages
1 With long hose (2m/7ft.) and LPI
1 With short hose (~55cm/22 in.) and SPG
1 O2 clean with a meter hose and oxygen pressure gauge
1 Stage/Decompression tank for 40% Nitrox, clearly marked and labeled
A lift bag with at least 22.5 kg / (50 lb) buoyancy
Buoyancy compensator (Wing & Back Plate)
Mask and fins
1 Line cutter (2 recommended), or pruning shears
1 Primary reel, or explorer reel to enter the wreck
1 Safety reel with a minimum of 40m / 130ft of line
1 Primary light
2 Backup lights
Dive computer, or stopwatch, and depth gauge
Writing board, or wet notes
Waterproof diving table, or second dive computer
2 Directional arrows